
Conservation and biodiversity

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    Mating system and fitness data for families of <em>Eucalyptus socialis</em> grown in common garden experiments. Families collected across a fragmentation gradient. Open-pollinated progeny arrays were collected and reared in the common garden experiments. These open-pollinated progeny arrays were also genotyped at microsatellite loci to generate the mating system data. Data showed association between fragmentation on mating system, which in turn impacted fitness. Please contact owner prior to use.

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    The lesser hairy­footed dunnart (<i>Sminthopsis youngsoni, Dasyuridae</i>) is a generalist marsupial insectivore in arid Australia, but consumes wolf spiders (<i>Lycosa spp., Lycosidae</i>) disproportionately often relative to their availability. Here, we tested whether lycosids have relatively high energy or nutrient contents compared to other invertebrates, and hence whether these aspects of food quality can explain selective predation of lycosids by <i>S.youngsoni</i>. Energy, lipid and protein composition of representatives of 10 arthropod families that are eaten by <i>S. youngsoni</i> in the Simpson Desert were ascertained using microbomb calorimetry, chloroform-methanol extraction and Dumas combustion. Differences between invertebrate groups were assessed using separate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and appropriate post-hoc tests. These analyses were performed using this data.

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    The TERN citizen science fauna monitoring pilot project aims to collect long-term monitoring data using the TERN standard monitoring protocol for birds. In May 2021, TERN launched a citizen science project designed to monitor bird biodiversity at the Samford Ecological Research Facility (SERF) in peri-urban Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology and the Samford Eco-Corridor community group. Bird monitoring is undertaken quarterly by citizen scientists using TERN standardised monitoring protocols which are based on the Birds Australia systematic bird survey ‘2&nbsp;ha 20&nbsp;minute search’ method.

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    This dataset contains the number (count) of dingo, red fox and feral cat photographs from remote camera traps in the Simpson Desert. Note, spatial location for the sites has been desensitized. Please contact the data author for site details.

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    The record contains information on beetle succession in decaying <i>Eucalyptus obliqua</i> logs, from 1999-2009. Data on beetle species identification, field sampling notes, and collection details from eucalyptus logs across the decade range from 1999 - 2009 are provided.

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    Knowledge on the spatial distribution and inter-specific association patterns in tree species is essential in plant ecology to understand ecological mechanisms and dynamic process operating in spatial distribution of a tree population in a plant community. We measured and compiled datasets on three tropical tree species from a moist semi deciduous forest. We used the software Programita to perform univariate and bivariate point pattern analysis by Ripley's L-function. These datasets can be used to inform on possibilities of interaction of these species in forest stands. These datasets can be also used to access the capacity of each tree of <i>Mansonia altissima</i> var. <i>altissima</i> A. Chev. to develop and grow or its exclusion probability within a plant community. <i>Mansonia altissima</i> A. Chev. is a plant species represented by only one-population in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Republic of Benin. Our project aims to understand its ecology for restoration and conservation purposes within its natural habitat as well as other habitats inside of its distribution range.

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    The record contains information on the moth assemblages at canopy and ground level at five sites within a 25 ha plot, at Robson Creek Site, Far North Queensland. Data on moth taxonomic information and the number of individuals sampled from the ground and canopy are provided for the sampling years, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

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    This dataset contains a series of spatial outputs describing probabilistic species predictive occupancy (Species Occupancy Models, or SOM) & habitat suitability (Maximum Entropy, or Maxent) surfaces, the underlying data used to calculate these models & model projections predicting the impact of climate change on flora Maxent surfaces. <br> Model outputs are combination outputs dependent on known species occurrence in the landscape, the species relationship with environmental variables (covariates) such as temperature, rainfall and topography; and its predicted occurrence based on covariate analysis. Maxent models do not predict actual occupancy, but rather habitat suitability, while SOMs predict actual occupancy. confounding factors such as inter-species competition, geographical barriers and disturbance events play a significant role in species occurrence, and are not considered in Maxent or SOM. Flora Maxent climate change projections used NSW and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) variables to predict habitat suitability for a baseline year 2000 and projections for 2030 and 2070. <br> Covariates, Fauna & Flora survey records used to create the models are included. <br> More detailed information regarding each model, its processes and outputs are included in the dataset. <br> A web mapping application on the NSW Spatial Collaboration Portal depicts Maxent & SOM of a selected group of vulnerable Flora & Fauna from this dataset. Access the webapp through the link below: <br>

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    Microsatellite genotype data for 3 eucalypt species. Data include progeny and adults from across a gradient of habitat fragmentation. These microsatellite data could be further used in additional analyses, e.g. genetic diversity. Samples collected from stands on eucalypts as follows: non-neighbouring adult trees had leaf and seeds collected. Leaf was used to genotype the adults. Seeds were germinated, tissue then collected, and the same microsatellites genotyped - i.e. open-pollinated progeny arrays. The dataset is possibly useful for meta-analysis or review of effects of habitat fragmentation on plants (e.g. mating system, genetic diversity etc).

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    The dataset describes the occurrence of bird species at sites within a burnt woodland. These sites comprise the following design: 5 replicate block. each with 2 large patch sites, 2 small patch sites and 2 matrix sites. One site of each pair was relatively more isolated than the other (surrounded by a higher proportion of unburnt vegetation). In addition, there are also 6 sites located beyond the extent of the fire. The data-set also lists vegetation attributes at each of these sites.